Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Native American Blessing

A Commanche woman sings us a
blessing and then went around circle
To each with hawk wing to cleanse
And bless each one of us.

Inside Kiva room

Marchers and hosts - a blessed welcome

Foot massages

Welcomed at meditation retreat
Center with foot massages
And lunch.


A moment of play along the road in northern NM

Last night

Tour and dinner at Lama Center on top of world (8600')

Buddhist Stupa

Another amazing camp in the woods on these grounds. I even had a few minutes to meditate inside.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Baby Peregrine Falcons

Met a woman as we marched out of Santa Fe today who showed us these tiny birds. She works with local raptor center and was on her way to take these little orphans to a surrogate Peregrine mom there. She has been doing this work for 13 years, and has only recently seen so many dehydrated and starving birds due to the severe a drought that has lasted several years. At least these will be saved.

Santa Fe rally

Our very own "Environmental Justice Gypsy Band" playing at Santa Fe rally. Great welcome here.

Community farm campground

Santa Fe community farm has provided
Fresh, organic food grown by volunteers
To local food pantries etc for 35 years.
Lovely hosts to us!

From the top

Onward & upward


Following old Route 66 trail - obliterated by time. Steep and rugged and fun and challenging.

Beautiful land of ours

Crossing Pueblo lands with local guide

Heading for Santa Fe. Beautiful walk without traffic!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


This is the "Manifesto for a Livable Future that I wrote and delivered at the Albuquerque rally a few days ago. Please feel free to quote it. It is mine, not the March's, tho I wish it were.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Last night's camp

Heading out of Albuquerque we stayed at the
National Hot Air Balloon Museum. Note shape
of bldg. Several Marchers slept inside due to
cold, but I was snug in my tent.

Ancient tree (& me)

Local man told us this cottonwood is 300 years old. Also pointed out nearby site of pueblo from 1500 years ago that was destroyed in 1700's.


Fun picture of Smokey warning of high fire danger during sleet storm heading out of Albuquerque.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Arriving in Albuqurque

Small shower and rainbow as we set up camp on outskirts of Albuquerque. I'm guessing I've walked over 900 miles from LA. We will be here 2 days and have a rally and some other events planned. I'll be spending time with my dear friend, LaVonne who is driving up to be with me for a couple of days. Motel, shower, shopping for new boots, haircut, etc. YAY!

Our community is experiencing a serious split which is threatening our mission. A few of the idealistic young
people are pushing for radical changes in our governance. While we "elders" recognize their idealism and sympathize with many of their issues, it is threatening the stability of our mission. I won't try to explain details, but while they are being respectful (mostly) in their demands, it is costing too much time, energy, and attention. I'm hoping we can find common ground and move forward. The rainbow is a good omen!

Casino stat

The Route 66 Casino (adjacent to Laguna Pueblo) let us sleep inside in a banquet room because of strong winds up to 70mph. Not good for tents! It felt surreal to be in the glitzy casino energy after spending 2 months in nature. Not our favorite place, but it was out of the wind and blowing sand which locals point to as yet another symptom of climate change.

Goats head camp

Yet another spectacular campsite. We dubbed this one "goats head camp" after the ubiquitous little thorns that stuck into our feet and just about everywhere!

Police escort

Crossing the lands of the Laguna Pueblo, we were graciously escorted by the Pueblo Law Enforcement officers - 3 vehicles for 3 days. They took us on beautiful, wild, obscure tracks thru the desert, making sure everyone was safe and accounted for.

Many old mission churches

Uranium mine consequences

Disadvantaged people everywhere are frequently the ones who are powerless to protect themselves from the ravages of mining, dams, toxic waste disposal, etc.
This is a cancer treatment center in one of the pueblo reservations we walked through. They told us they have been trying to get the uranium waste cleaned up for over 50 years, but infrequent and feeble efforts by our govt and the mining companies have been futile. Their water is contaminated and disease levels very high.

We had to fill our water tanks here which made us uneasy. They drink it all the time.


We are often parallel to train tracks , and can see the huge numbers of trains hauling "stuff" from Port of LA where we started to points East. Probably 40 trains per day with 100 double carriers/boxcars. Most likely imports from China, Korea, Japan, etc. alarming and depressing as we March with so little, wondering why Americans need so much stuff.

Following old Route 66

Many ruins along our path

Acoma Pueblo

We were guests for lunch at the Acoma Pueblo Senior Olympics planning meeting. Lovely folks.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Raw rugged beauty

Have I talked about the incredible landscapes we see intimately as we walk?Plus a sunrise and sunset every day, and sleeping under the stars. Glorious!

Home sweet home

Acoma NM

Sunday, May 4, 2014

A not so friendly spot

"Here lies the last person to trespass."

Pack with camping gear

These two bags carry everything I am living with for 8 months. Fortunately, the gear truck carries it so I just have to get it, set up each night, take down in the morning, and haul it back to the truck.

Duffel with personal gear

Concho for my hat

At a festival in Acoma today, I purchased a Concho for my hat. It is round, decorative silver about the size of a quarter that is often seen on belt buckles in a larger version . It represents a 'hogan' or home of a Navajo family. Kathy, the wife of the artist sewed it on my hat for me.

Acoma Pueblo

Side trip to oldest consistently used pueblo dwellings. The landscape is stunningly beautiful, and the pueblo can barely be seen on top of the Mesa where it has been occupied by what are now the Navajo for about 1,000 years. A Navajo elder visited our camp tonight - very gracious, well spoken and welcoming. The amazing adventure continues.

Friday, May 2, 2014

El Morro

Spectacular natural view and challenging climb to the to and around. Loved it!


One of my walking partners at El Morro. Fun and beautiful day off. Judy is with us for 2 months and lives in Portland. She's great !

El Morro

Mountain Woman

Get a load of this huge rock formation at the top at El Morro Nat 'l Monument where we climbed on our stay day yesterday. Was spectacularly beautiful !

Glorious rest day

Many thanks to 100 Grannies for a Sustainable Future for their fantastic support! Here's my Granny button on my hat.