Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Pat's birthday
Crutches & roller skates
Dana Greenhouse Gashes McGuire is mother of the two little girls from Missouri that have been with us for a week or so. Sadly, they are heading home soon, but daddy Gavin and his vegetable oil fueled truck are staying. Dana participates competitively in the roller derby, and skated across Omaha with is today.
Maureen & grand kids
Thanks Maureen!
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Other notable Nebraska challenges:
- Poison ivy (two really bad cases)
- Chiggers
- Mosquitoes, biting flies, ticks, etc
- heat and humidity which really zap us walking 15 - 20 miles per day
- storms, hail, and threats of tornadoes
- endless miles of corn and soybeans - totally monoculture and GMO agriculture, although an organic farmer marched with us for a few days
- CAFO's (confined animal feeding operations) which are Inhumane and unhealthy for animals and consumers and stink like crazy.
On the bright side, Nebraskans have been very welcoming and hospitable. We have received and will receive 300 pies as we cross the state!
Our financial situation remains very tight, but we are still making our way. I have walked here every step from the Port of LA, and am in good shape. Have had a couple of days of extreme exhaustion due to heat, but have made it ok. We look after one another beautifully.
Looking forward to crossing into Iowa across the Missouri River at Council Bluffs on 7/31. Expect to be in Iowa City on 8/20.
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Zero carbon footprint
Arriving at Energy Barn
Poppy and Tilly
Vegetable oil burning truck
Shave the Planet fundraiser
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Shave the planet
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Planting Peace Tree
Very short day tomorrow (6 mi) as we march to Bradshaw to the Bold Nebraska energy barn for a series of events. We're very excited about this collaboration. NO KXL Pipeline!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Comments from section marcher
These people are my friends, and my heroes. Great people doing a Great thing...a Great March...all the way across the United States...for Climate Action. Tough people, making a point.
I spent three weeks with the March recently. It was a profound time in my life. Relentlessly making our way across whatever terrain lay ahead. I was merely part of the support crew, helping these dedicated individuals make a point through the shear magnitude of their effort. Marching, waving, carrying signs, mile after mile, state after state. Participating. Doing something. Action!
Involved is how I felt. I felt involved in the Action. It was a good feeling and I still feel part of it. I recommend it! Get involved yourself and feel the feeling of being involved in Climate Action.
March, help the marchers, support the marchers and the Great March for Climate Action!
CB Genrich, Climate Marcher
High Road from Santa Fe to Taos
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Next Sat at Bold NE energy barn
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Mark Hefflinger, Bold Nebraska" <mark@boldnebraska.org>
Date: July 13, 2014 at 7:31:20 AM CDT
To: "Miriam Kashia" <mkashia43@yahoo.com>
Subject: Next Saturday: March for Climate Action
Reply-To: "Mark Hefflinger, Bold Nebraska" <mark@boldnebraska.org>
Join the Great March for Climate Action on Saturday, July 19.
Miriam --
On next Saturday, July 19, a determined group of concerned citizens in the midst of a 3,000-mile cross-country march to raise awareness about climate change will set off from an historic church in Marquette, Nebraska in the morning, and walk 10 miles through picturesque farmland to the renewable energy-powered barn near the town of Bradshaw that Bold Nebraska built last summer on land in the path of the Keystone XL pipeline.
Sign up to join the marchers for a 10-mile (or 1-mile!) walk.
The marchers have met folks all across Nebraska, engaging in conversations about climate along the way. They stopped for a bite at the Haigler Country Cafe; marched in the Culbertson 4th of July parade; held a vigil in McCook for the 47 people who died last year in the oil train explosion in Lac-Megantic, Quebec; hosted a potluck dinner and community climate conversation in Holdrege; demonstrated their solar cooking ovens to a TV news crew in Axtell; and collected signatures in Kearney for a petition calling for public disclosure of dangers from oil trains and pipelines.
Saturday, July 19: Climate March Visits the 'Build Our Energy' Barn
- 8:30 AM: Participants in 10-mile walk arrive at barn for shuttle to church
- 9:00 AM: 10-mile march from St. John's Church to the barn begins
- 12-1 PM: Participants in 1-mile walk arrive at the barn, walk to 1-mile marker
- 1:00 PM: Marchers set off on final 1-mile stretch of walk
- 1:30 PM: All marchers arrive at the barn
- 2:00 PM: Activities at barn: painting #NoKXL billboards for landowners in the route
- 3:00 PM: Dedication of Nebraskans for Peace "Peace Park" at the barn
- 4:00 PM: Raising of "No Permit, No Pipeline" flag at the barn
- 5:00 PM: Community meal (food truck, veggie/vegan options available!)
- 6:00 PM: Speakers including Senate candidate Dave Domina, Bold Nebraska director Jane Kleeb, climate marchers
- SUNSET: Exclusive outdoor screening of Keystone XL documentary "Above All Else," featuring an introduction and Q&A with Texas landowner Julia Trigg Crawford, who appears in the film and fought eminent domain and KXL all the way to Texas Supreme Court
RSVP to attend the outdoor screening of KXL documentary "Above All Else."
Along with Julia Trigg Crawford, we are also excited to be joined at the barn next Saturday by U.S. Senate candidate Dave Domina, also the lead attorney representing landowners fighting Keystone XL at the Nebraska Supreme Court.
The afternoon at the barn will include family-friendly fun activities, including the chance to help paint some new #NoKXL billboards that will be placed with landowners inside the pipeline route — and then photographed and turned into postcards to send to Pres. Obama and Sec. Kerry.
Click here for directions to the barn, and sign up to join us next Saturday.
We're excited to welcome the climate marchers to the solar-powered barn for a fun-filled day that will see farmers and ranchers join climate change advocates, to highlight the science that tells us why President Obama must reject the Keystone XL pipeline.
Look forward to seeing you next Saturday!
Mark Hefflinger and the Bold Nebraska team
P.S. Chip in $10 now to support Bold Nebraska's work.
@BoldNebraska on Twitter
Bold Nebraska on Facebook
Bold Nebraska
208 S. Burlington Ave. Ste. 103, Box 325
Hastings, NE 68901 US
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Nebraska farmer
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
(You will notice that I suffer from "Marcher Mush Mind" - a severe malady that seems to infect all of us. It's very hard to keep track of places when we move every day!
Week of stopping oil by RR
Solar pumps
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Fwd: Sunrise Holbrook
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: liz laffertty <lizzilaffnow@gmail.com>
Date: July 8, 2014 at 6:22:15 AM CDT
To: mkashia43@yahoo.com
Subject: Sunrise Holbrook
Monday, July 7, 2014
McCook Gazette: Local News: Climate marchers hold vigil at depot (07/07/14)
I hope you can open this ok. It was a very moving memorial and a powerful action. Miri
Sent from my iPhone
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Have a good road, Creekwater!
Burlington Northern Santa Fe RR
For the Earth,
Walked almost 20 mi today in temps up to 99 and very high humidity. Sleeping in a/c Barclay, NE Community
Center tonight. Over 100 tomorrow and another long march. Brutal!