Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 14

A glorious day off at beautiful Joshua Tree Retreat Center where we have a huge, flat, quiet camping space. We have slept in parking lots, church floors, a spectacular nature preserve, and who knows what else. One night we camped at a place where they sold palm trees, with a noisy super highway on one side and a train with constant whistle blowing (every 15 minutes) right next to us on the other. Tomorrow we head out into the desert for over a week, so had our desert briefing about rattlesnakes and scorpions and heatstroke. Onward!

Our community continues to bond - I love these brave, strong, dedicated folks, and feel loved, appreciated and cared for.

I'm sitting with my feet hanging out the door trying to dry the Gorilla Glue I put over the cracks and blisters. Very sore, but I've been able to march every step - maybe about 200 now.

People are washing clothes (I must), holding work group meetings, catching rides to town for groceries for our kitchen crew or to pick up things they need.

Two dear new friends, Tuck & Terry, from The Pachamama Alliance are coming today to facilitate "Awakening the Dreamer Symposium" for us this afternoon. Tonight our CA coordinator and her 10 year partner

Sent from my iPhone

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